The Importance of Bitter and Astringent Tastes for Balanced Nutrition

The Importance of Bitter and Astringent Tastes for Balanced NutritionIn our diet there are products with a bitter, astringent taste. They are used as an additive to main dishes or even eat separately. What is the point in these products? Or is it just about taste habits?

Products with a pungent smell and taste, which are most often found in our diet – onion and garlic. The positive effect of these products is that they are rich in phytoncides – natural antibiotics. They suppress the development of bacterial, viral infection, stimulate immunity. In addition, they well stimulate gastric secretion, secretion of bile. Therefore, people with cholecystitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis, that is, inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the digestive system in the active phase, with onions and garlic should be very cautious. In its raw form, these products will further aggravate. Add onions or garlic in food carefully, paying attention to the individual reaction. It is desirable in a thermally processed form.

Now the root of ginger is very popular. In large quantities it is used in Thai cuisine. It has a stimulating effect on blood vessels, so it is suitable for people with low blood pressure both in the tea composition and in addition to the dishes. But if you have pharyngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx), stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus), in such cases, ginger will be an irritant component that will aggravate the inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane. Also very careful to be with ginger to pregnant women. From the fact that ginger is a vasodilator, there is a big risk of hypoxia of the fetus.

Black and red peppers as seasoning are used in many dishes. But often people like to use hot pepper raw or pickled. This in reasonable doses may suit people with low acidity, because these foods stimulate digestion, the production of gastric juice. But those who have inflammation of the oral mucosa (periodontal disease, periodontitis, stomatitis), inflammation of the larynx (pharyngitis), inflammatory processes in the esophagus, hot pepper can not be used.

Very popular products that contain bitterness: bitter radish, arugula, mustard greens. Bitterness, contained in these products, also stimulates digestion, and in small quantities to a healthy person they can be eaten. But if there is a tendency to inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract organs, such products should be excluded. If there are symptoms of increased acidity (belching, heartburn), then it is better not to use these foods in your diet.

Another common seasoning is vinegar. Although the mistresses are very fond of adding vinegar to dishes and marinades, it is contained in seasonings (mayonnaise, ketchup), it is not a physiological food for the body, and it has no useful properties. In addition, acetic acid is a very irritating product, and it is harmful to people with digestive system problems.

Of course, it’s impossible to completely exclude products, which were discussed in the article. But there are antidote products that reduce the negative impact of acute products on mucous membranes. These are products with an enveloping property: for example, mucous porridges, decoction of flax seed or flax seeds themselves.

Picture Credit: jill111

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