Global problems can be solved only by joint efforts. Here’s how you can help others to survive this pandemic.
Try not to get out of work
If you need only a laptop to work in self-isolation, the problem is solved. But even if you cannot perform your professional duties remotely, try to stay in a working rhythm.
First, help your future career: take a useful online course, read books that did not have enough time, listen to podcasts of people whose professional path inspires you.
Secondly, stay in touch with your colleagues so that neither you nor they feel isolated from the world. Organize collective calls and videoconferences, discuss future projects or analyze past and do work on mistakes.
Understanding that self-isolation is not a vacation
Most importantly, minimize contact and reduce your own risk of getting sick.
Do not forget that the pandemic has changed the rules of etiquette — now you should not shake hands at a meeting. Feel free to remind others of this: health is much more important than social rituals.
Try to be careful and take care of yourself. Do not eat foods that make your stomach hurt, do not engage in traumatic sports.
The health care system is currently going through difficult times, so it would be better not to create additional burdens on doctors and hospitals. Just staying healthy now is already helping the community.
You can also contact local hospitals to find out if they need any help. For example, donor blood, mask making, volunteer work. If you have experience in fundraising, pay attention to local charitable foundations and help raise funds for projects to combat COVID‑19.
Do not spread panic in social media
The transition of the whole world to online and global concern led to a distortion of information. People in social networks are divided into several categories.
Nihilists deny the existence of coronavirus and require some kind of evidence, completely ignoring reports of WHO on the progress of the epidemic in different countries.
The alarmists sow horror, telling that the virus flies through the air.
Conspirologists are looking for the perpetrators of what is happening and trying to convince everyone around that this epidemic is beneficial to someone.
Folk healers are advised to wear a necklace of garlic and eat only ginger. All this only creates confusion and a misunderstanding of what is happening. Try to contact official sources, not panic and be the voice of reason.
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